Tales from the Road: Taking Control of Access Controls to Protect Sensitive Data from Unauthorized Users
How a recent DirectDefense security assessment revealed a common application vulnerability through commandeering access controls.
Successful mitigation of today’s security threats requires an approach that is both on the offensive and on the defensive. Here, we give our take on how to approach and handle specific security challenges, as well as our reaction to some of the latest industry topics.
How a recent DirectDefense security assessment revealed a common application vulnerability through commandeering access controls.
Take two of our team attempting to conduct a data breach at a company that previously let us in as landscaping job candidates. How’d it go this year?
Our information security and managed security services firm found vulnerabilities in our client’s web application security.
If you don’t want to issue the dreaded boil-water advisory then make sure your wireless network is hacker-proof. How our team was able to drive up to a municipal water utility, join the wireless SCADA network and gain the access needed to do some major damage to the water supply – all in 10 minutes… Read more »
Keep Your Organization Safe Around the Clock with a Cybersecurity Operations Center from an MSSP Here’s a projection that’s hard to ignore: the cost of cybercrime is expected to exceed $8 billion by 2022. The reality of that amount of financial fallout from cyber attacks is staggering. Driving up the cost of cybercrime is the… Read more »
Part 1: Get Inside the Heads of the DirectDefense Team as We Launched an Attack on a Client’s System to Bypass Passwords and Gain Access to “Protected” Critical Data This post is the first in a 2-part series addressing the need for strong passwords across all industries to adequately protect important company and user data.… Read more »
Part 2: Get Rid of Weak Passwords like Winter2020 and Password1 – Our Attack into One Company’s Database Highlights the Risk of Poor Passwords This post is the second in our 2-part series addressing the need for strong passwords across all industries to adequately protect critical information. In a recent client engagement, we set out… Read more »
Assessing the Cost of Security Vulnerabilities During a Pandemic Year As everyone is aware, the pandemic of 2020 made conducting business, even at a basic level, challenging. Organizations were faced with managing their existing security vulnerabilities, in addition to adapting their information security to the “new normal”. In March, companies across the U.S. completed a… Read more »
The Complexities Created by Using JavaScript Object Notation to Transfer Data Among the web application vulnerability tests that we perform at DirectDefense is an application security assessment for CSRF. CSRF, or Cross-Site Request Forgery, is an attack that takes advantage of the predictability of requests and browsers’ automatic submission of session cookies to perform unintended… Read more »
In this post about pentesting user session vulnerabilities, we discuss the necessity of the validation and sanitation of URLs.